The first graduation class of UN and CIFAL Madrid-RACE road safety experts receive their diplomas
The postgraduate degree was granted by Universidad Europea, CIFAL Madrid-RACE and UNITAR
- The classroom course was given by 42 teachers from Spain and overseas, including the Director-General for Traffic and the Public Prosecutor for Road Safety.
- The students come from countries such as Colombia, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Paraguay.
- The students have to submit a graduation project to obtain the first postgraduate UN degree in Road Safety Management and Administration in the world.
Universidad Europea and the Royal Automobile Club of Spain (RACE), as the administrator of the CIFAL Centre in Madrid, and in collaboration with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) have delivered the diplomas for the course of Expert in Road Safety Management and Administration to the 17 students of six nationalities who have participated in the course for six weeks. The university course on Road Safety, at which 42 teachers from Spain and around the world have given 44 lectures, forms part of UNITAR, the UN training programme.
A total of 17 students representing 6 nationalities received the diplomas that accredit they have received classes corresponding to the first degree in Expert in Road Safety Management and Administration. This course has been run by RACE, which is responsible for the CIFAL Madrid Centre, in collaboration with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and Universidad Europea. In total, the students have received 44 lectures from 42 teachers, including two traffic management directors (from the DGT and the Basque Government), the Public Prosecutor for Road Safety, members of parliament and those responsible for programmes in Germany, France and Portugal.
During the handing over ceremony of the diplomas, the President of CIFAL Madrid and the President of RACE, Carmelo Sanz de Barros, stressed the relevance of Spain being at the cutting edge of road safety, and the important fact that “through RACE, we have a world-class training centre available to contribute to the training of expert professionals in road safety, capable of carrying out initiatives that reduce accident rates, improve driving on the roads and boost preventive measures. We would like to thank Universidad Europea for the agreement to boost this training at the highest level.”
As Conrado Briceño, President of Universidad Europea, explained: “I am truly proud of forming part of the projects and activities carried out by CIFAL Madrid-RACE within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our mission as a university is to have a positive impact on society through our students; and to focus on training the professionals involved in reducing deaths on the roads is an example of our clear commitment to be useful to the society of which we form part.”
During their training, the recent graduates received an in-depth theoretical training, as well as making visits to centres and entities with outstanding importance in road safety and mobility, and seeing first hand the control system of the M-30 and the DGT monitoring centre. They have also received a practical example of the experiences, innovations and ways of working of the bodies involved in the management of traffic and mobility. During their training, the students also had the opportunity to visit other training centres, such as the RACE-Red Bull Drivers’ Academy located at the Jarama-RACE circuit, and to take a driving course using the most advanced techniques, such as the roll-over simulator, reaction tests and simulators of driving and distraction.
Together with theoretical classes and practical visits, and as part of the evaluation of the programme, the education provided through the course is supplemented with real-life team projects, weekly knowledge tests and a personal project to be defended at the end of September, which between them will guarantee the acquisition of skills.
Upcoming Road Safety Expert courses
Once the programme that has just been completed has been subject to evaluation and analysis, the CIFAL Madrid-RACE training team will begin the development of the next course, studying the best proposals depending on the potential teachers and students. The course also includes the collaboration of Smart Baby, which will be responsible for training students in road safety for children.
Over the coming weeks, and through the CIFAL Madrid website, a new deadline will be set for the receipt of applications to enrol in the new course, which is expected to begin at the start of 2019.
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